You know you can save 100's of MB of free space or maybe GB's of by using chrome. I've noticed that people use different media softwares for different purposes. But one can perform the same functions with chrome solely. If you fulfil your needs by chrome only than why you need to use different softwares. You can also download videos, songs by using chrome. I hope you will enjoy this post.
You can download videos by using:
The video Downloader professional is a very nice app. Via which you can download any video from any site. So you don't have to spend time or spent MBs for downloads separately. Maybe you know this extension, but most of the people haven't discovered this extension.
You can download and listen audio songs online:
You can download videos by using:
The video Downloader professional is a very nice app. Via which you can download any video from any site. So you don't have to spend time or spent MBs for downloads separately. Maybe you know this extension, but most of the people haven't discovered this extension.
You can download and listen audio songs online:
Well, you are familiar with soundcloud very much. Here is the extension you can enjoy audio songs from this extension. So you don't have to download separate software for this. This is a very amazing extension. For those who don't know what soundcloud is, just google it.:P
You can use office online:
Proxy sites:
With this extension you don't have to download proxy softwares like hotspot, etc.. Simple you add this extension on chrome and tadaa. Enjoy any site you want. But don't open those sites which your government doesn't want you to see. I hope you get my point.
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Photo editing:
So this extension can replace your photoshop softwares. But this is only for those who just use tools for editing their pictures. I'm not talking about professionals. For this complete software is good. I haven't discovered this software lot, so I can't say anything about it. But this tool is good as far I know.
Unfortunately, this can't replace your whole software. Because this a chrome app. You cannot use it offline this is the type of software you need offline a lot. But this is a very handy tool, if you have internet available 24/7 you can use it as an alternative to Microsoft office.
With this extension you don't have to download proxy softwares like hotspot, etc.. Simple you add this extension on chrome and tadaa. Enjoy any site you want. But don't open those sites which your government doesn't want you to see. I hope you get my point.
Thanks for details of chrome and get Proxy Site List information, its helpful to complete task.